
Hello read this through and think about this Yesaday has gone it will never come back it is over so try and not worry about yesterday and what has happen as it is over. And to tomorrow will never come so don’t worry about it Only live for today as to today is all that you have.

This is going to be hard for you to do You need to have a room or a comer in your room set a side this is your quiet place to sit and spend some time away from your problems try sitting down close your eyes and think about some thing that is peaceful to you. Don’t block your thoughts just look at them and let them go and just keep thinking about this peaceful thing it could a nice place you once saw try and spend some time doing this start with say 5 mins then increase up to 30 mins max at a time twice a day or more often and if you can’t sleep at night try this.

With your quiet time playing some quiet peaceful music no vocals, words Only the music at very low volume at the start can help It could take you a long time to get this right and as I said can be hard at first so what have you to lose give this a try.

Look at what your are eating it will affect the way you are thinking and how you are feeling Don’t eat rich and fatty foods stay away from them . Stay with light foods Vegetables and fruit, skim milk only one or two coffees make shore you get enough calcium and magnesium .

Then try and not worry about what people think or say about you just be your self you are not perfect you are just like every one else.

There are no answers only questions in life what answer do you want that is the question

The most important thing in life is you and to help people if you are able too . Treat people like your family so if you see some one in desperate need help then if you are able to .

Every day I break my own personal record for the number of consecutive days I have stayed alive..